Sunday, October 3, 2010

Why Did Mike Norris Endors Rick Lazio When the People Wanted Paladino ?

Lazio Receives Western New York Support

New York, NY - Lazio 2010 announced today the endorsement of Niagara County Republican Chairman Mike Norris:

Niagara County Republican Chairman Mike Norris said, "I am supporting Rick Lazio because I believe we need to get started now if we're going to fix New York. The people of Niagara County and throughout this state are looking for someone who will deliver fundamental change to New York, and Rick Lazio is that person. The people of Western New York need someone who will fight to keep property taxes low and eliminate wasteful spending in Albany. Most importantly, we need someone who will create jobs in Western New York. I believe the person who can best do that as Governor is Rick Lazio. I am proud say that I enthusiastically endorse his candidacy."