Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Elections Commissioners

With the goings on in Erie County, we are reminded of the firing, after years of dedicated service to the Niagara County Republican Party, of Mrs. Lucille Britt.
Sure, Lucille was a pain, and I, like many others, was initially afraid of her. She told you exactly what she thought and could be extraordinarily difficult - but she was honest to a fault. So honest that George Maziarz, who had recently been elected to the New York State Senate and the virtual head of that Party in this

County, decided he didn't want an honest woman like her sitting as the Republican Elections Commissioner.
So what did he do? He FIRED her. Threw her to the curb for no reason other than he could. He didn't like her because she told the truth.
Who "replaced" Lucille? The ubiquitous MIKE NORRIS! CURRENT Niagara County Republican Chairman.
Now, in between his being appointed Elections Commissioner, and his current bundle of patronage positions for which he gets paid a bundle, he avoided jail time, went to Law School (in Albany with George) and returned home to pick up all his patronage plums.
Why did judy Cirifalco, Democratic Elections Commissioner who did exactly the same thing as Mike, wind up being indicted and thereafter go to JAIL while Mike went to Law School? Why did Matt Murphy III, who was then District Attorney, give Mike a "walk" when he used Mike to "get" Judy? Could it be that Matt, a Democrat (yeah, right), was under the thumb of the Senator? We believe the answer to that is YES!! Why does everyone who goes along with George and/or keeps their mouth shut wind up being rewarded while those, like Lucille, who did her job and did it well, wind up losing their job, villified throughout the County and lose their livelihood to boot? The lesson is "Don't mess with George!"
This is the same "Two Party System" (George) that has run this County into the ground since the man went from North Tonawanda City Clerk to Niagara County Clerk to Senator. You'd think that all the people who know him for what he is would say "ENOUGH!" No - if you do you'll get hurt. In one way or another. If you fight FOR him you are rewarded. Well. Look at Beverly, his titular "wife," she's got a dandy job - a heck of a lot better than being a sales clerk at Lerch & Daly!
Hobbes could go on and on about this, but those who know this don't need to lose their supper.
Just look at the Wojtaszeks! Or Ron Winter. Everywhere you look you see George's hand. And he WILL be re-elected.