Thursday, October 21, 2010

Renae Kimble as Effective Legislator?????

So - that OTHER guy is now claiming that Renae is a better "government servant" than Francine DelMonte? Please... Renae couldn't be elected dog catcher (although I have great respect for dog catchers and NOT Renae).
Renae - who often touts having
graduated from Law School, never seems to mention that she couldn't pass the BAR EXAM! Odd, don't you think? Go to Law School for three or four years, take the Bar at least three times, but don't make LAWYER?!? Jeez - could it be that she's an idiot?
What's clear is that she's a political whore living off your tax dollars. Can't take that away from her. How else do you explain that she's lived on Grand Island for years with her lady friend yet still gets elected from the City of Niagara Falls claiming she still lives at Mom's house? Bizarre. Goes to show that some people are willing to vote color, not the best candidate. Seems to me that that just happened in Washington! How's that working for the Nation?
I wouldn't want that woman on the Bridge Commission either! She's a bozo who has lived off our money her entire adult life. The Bridge Commission is a dandy political plum! I'd like to be appointed to the Bridge Commission! (Don't think that's in the pipeline - do you?)
Aronow and his misogynistic pals are really showing their true colors this time! To compare DelMonte with a witch (where's that O'Donnell woman) is baloney. To claim that Kimble is a person whom one should try to emulate is just plain crap. First time I met her I thought she was a street walker. Seriously. NOT a County Legislator, although she has cleaned up her act. (A little bit anyway.)
So now Glenn is using Kimble to bash Francine. What a concept! At least no one thinks Francine is a hooker! Anyone who knows anything knows that Francine got screwed in the Primary. Things happen. The fact that she's soldiering onward is to her credit. To drag out that poor Renae is angry that she didn't get ANOTHER political patronage job (that pays a very good buck) only shows that Renae is throwing the race card - again. It's getting real old Renae - you should think of a new "message" before YOUR next election. Glenn has made you look like more than the idiot that you are. If you hadn't heard, racism is getting very old. People aren't buying it anymore, especially your constituents who know you don't live amongst them. There has to be a decent African American who will run against you - and WIN!