Thursday, October 14, 2010


Perhaps this would be better titled as:


Hobbes has asked WHO is related to WHOM in Niagara County County, City and Town governments' employ??? Let's include the State of New York!
He thinks you all would be VERY surprised if you knew how many of the Senator's family members are employed by County, City and Town governments in Niagara County! Even his WIFE is employed by the State Court System! By his buddy Supreme Court Justice Richard Kloch! Yep - she's his Confidential Secretary! I wonder when, in all those years as a sales clerk at the men's store, she obtained the experience to be an intimate aide to a Supreme Court Justice! Perhaps he or she will advise us - those positions are very important to all citizens in the county. I bet they don't.
How 'bout HER daughter the Lockport City Police Officer? (No slam against the young woman, Hobbes hears she's a good officer, but c'mon!!) Then we've got his brother-in-law the Lockport City Treasurer. When he bothers to go to work, that is. To take it farther we've got the Treasurer's son who got a pass on a DWI in the Town of Lockport. Yeah - Mike Violante again.

How about all of Hobbes' followers who know whose related to who sends in their info and Hobbes will put it all together for us. It will take time to sort it all out - it's a LONG list - and pretty sickening.

Please send your info to him here and he'll do his best to sort it out by Election day for you. Thanks!