Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Elections Commissioners

With the goings on in Erie County, we are reminded of the firing, after years of dedicated service to the Niagara County Republican Party, of Mrs. Lucille Britt.
Sure, Lucille was a pain, and I, like many others, was initially afraid of her. She told you exactly what she thought and could be extraordinarily difficult - but she was honest to a fault. So honest that George Maziarz, who had recently been elected to the New York State Senate and the virtual head of that Party in this

Monday, October 25, 2010

Reagan "wins!!"

While Hobbes doesn't usually agree with that OTHER guy, he has to admit that the "Chinese Professor" ad is pretty darn good. Kind of hits you between the

Sunday, October 24, 2010

North Tonawanda Friends and Family Plan

Throughout the past few decades, the power of George Maziarz has gone WAY up. From the days of firing Lucille Britt and putting that schmuck Mike Norris in her job (I think he was 12) to State Supreme Court Justice Richard Kloch hearing a Republican Town Court Justice's Court Case, it

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Renae Kimble as Effective Legislator?????

So - that OTHER guy is now claiming that Renae is a better "government servant" than Francine DelMonte? Please... Renae couldn't be elected dog catcher (although I have great respect for dog catchers and NOT Renae).
Renae - who often touts having

Women are NOT second class citizens!!

Okay - so Hobbes has HAD IT!! A friend has shared what happened at the Town of Lockport Board Meeting a couple of weeks ago to a woman - not to mention the ongoing silence of local Repuglicans who aren't telling you about the lawsuit filed against GLENN ARONOW for SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Your tax dollars at work my friends.

Hobbes also checked GLENN'S "Niagara Times" again this morning and found, once again, his slamming of FRANCINE DEL MONTE!! HOBBES HAS HAD IT!!!

Town of Lockport:
It appears that Supervisor Marc Smith needs to brush up on how property assessments are done in his Town. At a recent Town Board meeting, Smith went on another intimidation rampage during which he mentioned that former Newfane School Board Member Donna Pieszala, was responsible for an increase in property tax assessments! WHAT? It seems that Smith was aggravated with Mrs. Pieszala for raising some legitimate concerns regarding the proposed Town Budget earlier in the evening during the public comment portion of the meeting.
We're going to cut Marc Smith SOME slack 'cause the Supervisor DOESN'T OWN ANY PROPERTY in the Town of Lockport! Obviously he wouldn't know that the TOWN assesses property NOT the school districts! As for Mrs. Pieszala, looks like she's joined the late Paul Perna (Tops Market), City of Lockport City Attorney John Ottaviano (wait a minute - he lives in the TOWN?!), well known fundraiser Chris Sposito and business owner David Mongiello as targets of the hot-headed Supervisor.
The residents of the Town of Lockport recently received their latest Town Newsletter. On the cover was a list of new businesses moving in or relocating within the Town. So Hobbes wants to know why are they listing businesses that are relocating? So what? They don't list their new addresses so what's the point? And the business Hobbes wants to see move into the Town is MARC SMITH'S! Yep, A.M.Smith Insurance. The guy is running all over the Country trying to lure new business into the Town but he has yet to move HIS business into the Town! That really sets the an example, doesn't it?
Hobbes is tired. He'll cover Glenn's woman-bashing a bit later.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Perhaps this would be better titled as:


Hobbes has asked WHO is related to WHOM in Niagara County County, City and Town governments' employ??? Let's include the State of New York!
He thinks you all would be VERY surprised if you knew how many of the Senator's family members are employed by County, City and Town governments in Niagara County! Even his WIFE is employed by the State Court System! By his buddy Supreme Court Justice Richard Kloch! Yep - she's his Confidential Secretary! I wonder when, in all those years as a sales clerk at the men's store, she obtained the experience to be an intimate aide to a Supreme Court Justice! Perhaps he or she will advise us - those positions are very important to all citizens in the county. I bet they don't.
How 'bout HER daughter the Lockport City Police Officer? (No slam against the young woman, Hobbes hears she's a good officer, but c'mon!!) Then we've got his brother-in-law the Lockport City Treasurer. When he bothers to go to work, that is. To take it farther we've got the Treasurer's son who got a pass on a DWI in the Town of Lockport. Yeah - Mike Violante again.

How about all of Hobbes' followers who know whose related to who sends in their info and Hobbes will put it all together for us. It will take time to sort it all out - it's a LONG list - and pretty sickening.

Please send your info to him here and he'll do his best to sort it out by Election day for you. Thanks!

Information Please!


If any of you have any information that you'd like to share - or, you'd like more information about a topic - please send us a brief note and we'll do our best to find out the truth for you.
We are here to serve YOU, the People of the State of New York, and will do our best to do so. (and we're not even being PAID for it!)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


We are concerned that some folks might think that Hobbes is commenting only to slur or slam a person or persons he, personally might simply not like - or he might be jealous of for some reason...
Nope - he doesn't even know, personally, the individual mentioned in previous postings.
What he DOES KNOW is that every bit of information he's shared with you here is true. True. Documented. Every single detail. Documented and true.
He understands how some people might conclude this, but he swears to this and further swears that he will NEVER post anything that he can't back up with rock solid proof.

What confuses him (not really) is that the Buffalo News, the Niagara Gazette and the Lockport Journal have all been given the same papers that he was given yet none of them have delved into this to get all the details and then pass them on to you, the voters - the people who really matter. It looks to him like the "good ol' boys" who have "run" Niagara County (into the ground) for decades are continuing to treat you like ignorant dolts. YOU are "The People of the State of New York" - they work for YOU!!
So why do they treat you like you have the I.Q. of hockey pucks?

Because if they told you the truth you'd demand they be thrown out of office.
You'd demand a jerk like him wouldn't be allowed to live off your tax dollars their entire adult life.
Has he been fired? Does he have another State, County or City job? Hobbes doesn't know. He bets some of you do...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Just Checking In!!

Hi fellow Niagarans!

Oops - wasn't that one of the "names" he used in the past?

Anyway - if any of you have an issue you'd like Hobbes to look in to - be it known that Hobbes has an incredible network of friends (& less than intelligent enemies) who are willing (eagerly) to provide him with "inside information," be it State, County or City/Town.
Hobbes is dedicated to informing the people of Niagara County with any information that his readers want to know - but are not told by their elected representatives.

Send it in and he will dig, burrow, lie and charm his way to an answer to your question! He's waiting!

Monday, October 4, 2010


So Glenn and his many pals are in negotiations to settle the case brought by the woman he SEXUALLY HARASSED! (I wonder how many there REALLY are out there...)
Don't you think the truth should be told? Don't you want to know what's going on? I know I do!
Ask your Committeemen. Ask your Mayors and Supervisors. Ask the Buffalo News, the Gazette and the Union Sun. THEY all know - but they won't print it. WHY NOT?

Hobbes will find out eventually - but don't you want to know BEFORE you vote? BEFORE he's elected to another position in the Republican Party? BEFORE you see him driving by your house? I know I do.
It's shameful that the Niagara County Republican Party keeps taking care of this guy - what's he got on THEM?

Sunday, October 3, 2010



When is the news gonna break that Glenn Aranow was sued for SEXUAL HARASSMENT while working for the NYS Senate Majority Office?

Now, we all know he's a pig - so why is he still a member of the Niagara County Republican Executive Committee and the City of Lockport Republican Committee?

How'd his wife feel when she was served with the papers outlining her husband's latest crude actions? How much money was paid to this woman to make her go away? YOUR money - MY money?

And he's still working for them. He's their "enforcer," and he's useful to them - if you have no morality at all, that is.

Why hasn't the Buffalo News or the Niagara Gazette or the Lockport Journal followed up on this and given the readers the truth?

I guess Hobbes has to provide the truth, which is okay, but a sure sign that no one with ties to the Senator will ever be scrutinized. This is BAD people and the citizens need to know about it.

Next time? Driving While Intoxicated - the current state of affairs in our County...or whatever else you'd like to know. Hobbes Knows.

Why Did Mike Norris Endors Rick Lazio When the People Wanted Paladino ?

Lazio Receives Western New York Support

New York, NY - Lazio 2010 announced today the endorsement of Niagara County Republican Chairman Mike Norris:

Niagara County Republican Chairman Mike Norris said, "I am supporting Rick Lazio because I believe we need to get started now if we're going to fix New York. The people of Niagara County and throughout this state are looking for someone who will deliver fundamental change to New York, and Rick Lazio is that person. The people of Western New York need someone who will fight to keep property taxes low and eliminate wasteful spending in Albany. Most importantly, we need someone who will create jobs in Western New York. I believe the person who can best do that as Governor is Rick Lazio. I am proud say that I enthusiastically endorse his candidacy."

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The truth In Niagara

Lets have some fun exposing the lairs and deceivers