Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Is Dan Weiss Niagara County A True Conservative Party Leader?

Niagara County Conservative Party Chairman Dan Weiss Believes His Party Supports Gay Marriage
 Why does Mark Grisanti  have the full support of the Niagara County Conservative Party when he changed his tune on supporting gay marriage? Does this mean Niagara county conservatives support gay marriage?

We would like to say we are shocked and dismayed that Niagara county chairman Dan Weiss, playing party politics so Grisanti can get the Conservative line. The sad fact is the Conservative principles long ago in exchange for patronage jobs and favors really don't represent the conservatives, Weiss is an embarrassment to the party.

We can understand most all Conservatives are upset about Mark Grisanti’s vote for gay marriage, but we need to look at the totality of his record of deception. Dan Weiss is a political puppet and hack that lacks any true conservative principles.You must ask yourself how did Dan Weiss become the chairman of the conservative party? Because his mom Patty Weiss is a Republican Chair? Why do most conservative leaders have connections to Republican family members?

I’m also appalled at the lack of understanding of political ramifications statewide for this move that could see a return to downstate liberal control of the Senate. This again proves Weiss stands for nothing but his own personal gain and his moms in the Republican party.