Saturday, October 19, 2013

High ranking Lockport town and county officials could face charges

A complaint recently submitted to the Niagara County Sheriff’s Department and Board of Elections has accused government officials in the Town of Lockport of judicial ethics violations and identity theft. If the allegations are proven to be true, several top Republicans could face felony charges.
Among those named in the complaint are Mark Smith, Rick Updegrove, Nancy Brooks, Cheryl Antkowiak and Mark Crocker. They are accused of manipulating ballots prior to primary elections. The complaint claims the following:
In the Town of Lockport all Conservative and Independents petitions circulated were not carried by people of that party, Most were done by Richard Updegrove, Mark Smith, Nancy Brooks, Cheryl A. Antkowiak, Mark Crocker and more. Being all are Republicans this violates notary law when they themselves have interest to circulate petitions not of their own party. Most all of the town elected officials became notaries to get on ballots of minor party lines.”
The complaint also accuses town officials of conspiring to elect town residents to the Conservative Party committee without their knowledge. This tactic allows Republican candidates sufficient opportunity to monopolize the Conservative and Independent party lines at election time. Statistics prove conclusively that the more lines a candidate occupies, the better chance he has of winning.
The complaint was filed by Lockport businessman Dave Mongielo, a well-known crusader against corruption in Niagara County. For his past efforts, Mongielo was arrested and prosecuted by various lackeys of the local political machine positioned in the District Attorney’s office and judiciary. His case remains unresolved.
Mongielo claims Republicans have attempted to undermine his bid for Lockport Supervisor by running Marc Smith against him on the Conservative line. Mongielo believes he should have run unopposed because he is the only registered conservative. Smith is a Republican.
Perhaps more seriously, Mongielo’s complaint says judicial candidate Cheryl Antkowiak has disqualified herself by violating judicial rules of behavior. Ethics code subsection 100.5 states “a judge or candidate for elective judicial office shall refrain from inappropriate political activity beginning nine months before a primary election.” Mongielo claims he has proof Antkowiak violated this section of the ethics code by collecting petitions for other party candidates, participating in party meetings and using her notary position despite political conflicts of interest.
According to Mongielo, one of the top priorities of local Republicans is to control the conservative and independent party committees so their candidates can monopolize the minor party lines, significantly increasing their chances of being elected. He also cites several instances where “friends and family” were used to pull off this unscrupulous ploy.
·      Republican Town of Lockport board member Paul Sejack appointed his own daughter to the conservative committee.
·      Town of Lockport prosecuting attorney Bradley Marbles’ wife is on the Niagara County Conservative Committee. She also works for the county.
·      Former chairman of the Niagara County Republican committee Michael Norris was recently appointed town government attorney. Lasst summer he illegally used his notary position to prevent the election of conservative Margi Swan.
·      Judicial candidate Cheryl Antkowiak, who recently won all party lines, is also a Republican committee member and works at the board of elections. Her husband monitors voting machines during elections.
Despite his persecution by the county political machine, Mongielo has persevered in his quest to expose widespread corruption in local government with the website The site features videos that explain the strategies and tactics used by entrenched government officials to retain power via the manipulation of ballots and elections.