Saturday, January 1, 2011


As we embark upon the second decade of the new millenium, here's hoping that our elected officials will realize that, once they're elected dog catcher in East Podunk, they can no longer believe that they will continue to live off the taxpayers their entire working life. Odd how the fellows in Washington and Albany are still trying to come to grips with the fact that they'll actually have to PAY the United States Postal Service when they want to mail their mother a letter - but, then again, they probably don't bother with Mom anymore either.
To realize that there is a far better writer than yours truly, who agrees with us on every issue, has been a Godsend! I no longer feel as if I am wandering in the proverbial wilderness!
Mr. Black has invigorated me like never before. I'M NOT ALONE!!! Neither are you...