Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Free from FBI and CIA

Saturday, October 19, 2013

High ranking Lockport town and county officials could face charges

A complaint recently submitted to the Niagara County Sheriff’s Department and Board of Elections has accused government officials in the Town of Lockport of judicial ethics violations and identity theft. If the allegations are proven to be true, several top Republicans could face felony charges.
Among those named in the complaint are Mark Smith, Rick Updegrove, Nancy Brooks, Cheryl Antkowiak and Mark Crocker. They are accused of manipulating ballots prior to primary elections. The complaint claims the following:
In the Town of Lockport all Conservative and Independents petitions circulated were not carried by people of that party, Most were done by Richard Updegrove, Mark Smith, Nancy Brooks, Cheryl A. Antkowiak, Mark Crocker and more. Being all are Republicans this violates notary law when they themselves have interest to circulate petitions not of their own party. Most all of the town elected officials became notaries to get on ballots of minor party lines.”
The complaint also accuses town officials of conspiring to elect town residents to the Conservative Party committee without their knowledge. This tactic allows Republican candidates sufficient opportunity to

Saturday, October 6, 2012

George Maziarz knew a close friend, ex Legislator was Sexually harassing a co worker.

Updated from original post October 2010 
George Maziarz knew a close friend, ex Legislator was Sexually harassing a co worker.
Yet on Chanel October 5, 2012 George said he knew nothing about incident?

What a disgrace for female workers 
George Maziarz hired this man knowing this and then made him a executive County committee man and a judicial delegate
This lawsuit  cost taxpayers $90,000
Click on document a few times it will get larger

You must read the rest

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

“George Maziarz Friends and Family Unemployment Reduction Plan

Introducing the “George Maziarz Friends and Family Unemployment Reduction Plan”

With the primary quickly approaching, we, of course, are seeing a heavy push at the end to expose each candidate for their weaknesses. The only real primary this September is between incumbent Monarchical matriarch George Maziarz vs. political newcomer Johnny Destino. These two will battle for the Republican line on September 13th.
Destino’s campaign, which seems


By: Carl P. Paladino

Help us play “connect the dots.” If you know the motivation for the Contribution, Email to me at

Top 2012 Contributors to George Maziarz:
2012 Maziarz 1999-2012 2012 Niagara County Footnote:
Committee Maziarz Republican Committee # Committee
Total Donations reported for 2012 $518,326

NIAGARA FALLS REDEVELOPMENT - George lets Milstein sap the last
blood out of Niagara Falls $11,500.00 $36,966 (4)

George Maziarz has for years monopolized the system

The Niagara County Republican machine run by George Maziarz has for years monopolized the political landscape in Niagara County by controlling all political parties.
Maziarz’s political cohorts sign up to become members of the Conservative, Independence, Working Families and Green Party. They then circulate petitions to elect their people as Committeemen and Candidates. They put party members on

George Maziarz

George Maziarz

"The Senator" by Thomas J. Prohaska
LOCKPORT — In Niagara County politics, when someone refers to “the senator,” there’s no need to identify whom they’re talking about

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Town attorney tells town residents to _____ off, Dan Seaman Lockports $100,000 attorney

 Dan Seaman Lockports $100,000 + town attorney tells town residents to ___  off

  Lockport Town attorney Dan Seaman wile intoxicated missed a turn on Crosby rd Lockport Ny crashing into to landscaping rocks.  Dan then trying and leave scene of accident dug huge ruts in residents lawn, getting

Why do you vote for a candidate that sends out the most postcards?

By Justin Sondel, Niagara Gazette

Niagara Gazette — Amy Hope Witryol says its time to take the money out of New York state politics.
Witryol, who is running in the state Senate's 62nd District, held a press conference Thursday in Niagara Falls where she said there are "1,000 reasons" to change the current political campaign system in New York and suggested there's "no greater cause of

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Postal Service Losing $42,335,766 Per Day

Postal Service Losing $42,335,766 Per Day

Most of the loss could be eliminated if the Congress would drop the requirement to prefund retiree health benefits for workers not even hired yet. Congress has used the USPS as a cash source supporting their big-spending ways.
The U.S. Postal Service has been losing an average of $42,335,766 per day in fiscal 2012.

On Thursday, the service reported a third quarter (April 1-June 30) net loss of $5.2 billion, bringing its fiscal year-to-date net loss to $11.6 billion.
There were 274 days in the first three quarters of fiscal 2012. Thus the Postal Service has lost, on average, $42,335,766 per day in this fiscal year.
However, those losses have not been evenly distributed over the period. In the most recent quarter, the Postal Service's losses dramatically increased.
In the first quarter of fiscal 2012 (Oct.-Dec.), the Postal Service lost $3.3 billion. In the second quarter (Jan.-March), it lost $2.2 billion.
During the third quarter alone, when the Postal Service lost a total of $5.2 billion, the service was losing money at a rate of $57,142,857 per days.
The Postal Service said that it had to use $3.1 billion in the third quarter to fulfill a legislative mandate for prefund retiree health benefits, significantly contributing to its losses.
via Postal Service Losing $42,335,766 Per Day |

Maziarz called corrupt by candidates for his seat

Maziarz called corrupt by candidates for his seat

“Sen. Maziarz has failed to do anything to cut the size of government, reduce taxes, reduce utility rates or eliminate the commuter taxes his constituents have to pay daily traveling across the Grand Island bridges,” Tea Party spokesman Rus Thompson said. “Sen. Maziarz has failed miserably to represent the people of Western New York but has succeeded in building a corrupt power base here in his district.”
The race for 62nd District state senator is coming to an early boil six weeks before the primary, with Tea Party Republicans and Democratic candidate Amy H. Witryol both charging incumbent Sen. George D. Maziarz with “corruption.”
The Tea Party forces have endorsed Johnny G. Destino, Maziarz’s opponent in the Sept. 13 GOP primary.

Meanwhile, Witryol charged Maziarz with allegedly mailing campaign literature at taxpayers expense.
She has a lawsuit due to be heard Tuesday on Maziarz’s purported attempts to manipulate the Working Families Party primary through a stalking horse candidate, and now she has charged Maziarz with similar tactics in the Green Party.
Destino said he thinks the Tea Party endorsement will help his uphill bid to unseat Maziarz, a nine-term incumbent.
via Maziarz called corrupt by candidates for his seat – Politics – The Buffalo News.

Boy George, the influence peddler

(Senator George Maziarz) Boy George, the influence peddler

By Carl P. Paladino
Over the years Senator George Maziarz has placed many members of his friends and family club as employees of the New York State Power Authority, many in very high paying positions.
This effort was conducted with total disregard of the Peter Principal which is defined as the attempt to promote or place people in positions above their level of competence.
The effort, no matter how incompetent and devious, is

Obama: ‘Chicago Is an Example of What Makes This Country Great’

Obama: ‘Chicago Is an Example of What Makes This Country Great’

Ah, yes—the city of “family” values. Who could ask for more? Just a ton of Obama’s sons demonstrating values for the rest of us to follow.
In campaign remarks yesterday at the Bridgeport Art Center in Chicago, Illinois, President Barack Obama praised his adopted city, where he lived before becoming president of the United States. “Chicago is an example of what makes this country great,” Obama said. His



This is some serious stuff here. Was there some political favoritism going on here? I would think yes, possibly… This should be investigated, will Hochul do it or is there a little to much closeness going on with him and Maziarz too? Inquiring minds want to know!
nephew of Sen. George Maziarz. That nephew, Stephen Maziarz, worked as an inspector on the Peace Bridge. He was accused of trying to smuggle goods into the United States with the help of another individual. Both Stephen Maziarz and the other individual faced federal charges, but ultimately, Battle dropped the investigation, saying that

Issues destroying this state?

Cuomo Staff Penned Praises for the Boss – Maziarz reads word for word

So the puppet Maziarz just read the praises for Cuomo? Does he have an original thought when it comes to the issues destroying this state? We know he does with all the politicking going on within his district office and back rooms in Albany.
Mr. Maziarz read almost word-for-word 14 sentences from an 18-sentence speech prepared by Mr. Cuomo’s office. He said he thought it had been prepared by one of his own aides.

This is it, controlling the

The Fluoride Conspiracy


The Fluoride Conspiracy

"Tell a lie loud enough and long enough and people will believe it."
- Adolf Hitler

"Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century."
- Robert Carlton, Ph.D, former EPA scientist, 1992

The history of forcing fluoride on humans through the fluoridation of drinking water is wrought with lies, greed and

Thruway toll hike ‘needed,’ Cuomo says

Thruway toll hike ‘needed,’ Cuomo says

We need people to attend this meeting and voice their disgust. Do not just email comments, the public outrage has to be shown.

I think we are going to find out that a lot of this lays in the laps of the Albany legislators. They continue to dump ownership of roads on the NYSTA so funding will come from tolls and not taxes already paid for roads.

Proposal could raise consumer prices

ALBANY – Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said Friday that a toll hike may be needed for the state Thruway because tolls “haven’t

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Above the law? Shocking testimony naming George Maziarz

How can someone be named in a federal testimony for setting up meetings to collect bribes for contacts and not get charged ?

Read this

Above the law? Shocking testimony naming George Maziarz


By Mike Hudson

(This is the last installment of the case of Dave Mongielo, a Lockport businessman facing jail time for displaying the wrong kind of sign at his business. The Mongielo affair reveals the consequences of an out-of- control government and what happens to ordinary people caught up in its madness.)

There’s something rotten in the Town of Lockport, something stinking to